Hello & welcome, fellow Critters! We created this website to (hopefully) serve as a hub where Critters can come to get news, read D&D and Critical Role related articles, and maybe watch/listen to something entertaining. There are several projects we currently have in the works and are planning to bring to you soon! At this time, we are still a pretty small team, so if you are interested in contributing in any capacity, please feel free to contact us and let us know how you’d like to help.
Please be sure to check back frequently, as we’re working tirelessly to bring you new content! Also, we plan to remain very active on so you can start/continue to follow us there for the latest updates on the website.
Thanks so much for visiting – we love being a part of this thriving & inclusive community, and hope to do everything we can to help it grow!
– Critters D&D Team
Wonderful job guys! Looking forward to the future for both Critical role and this community!
Thanks so much for the feedback! 🙂
Great idea for a great community to support a great show. Looking forward to the future.
Nice job so far! Looking forward to reading more info on D&D and Critical Role! :3