The setting for an adventure or a campaign can be just as important as the enemies and friends the group makes along their journeys…
Continue readingThe setting for an adventure or a campaign can be just as important as the enemies and friends the group makes along their journeys…
Continue readingIf you’ve spent any amount of time watching the livestream chat alongside each week’s Critical Role episode, you’re probably no stranger to chatroom hate. Whether it’s rules lawyers freaking out…
Continue readingI’ve always been a geek. Even before I knew what that meant I pretty much checked all the boxes. From the time I could read I would…
Continue readingCritical ReRoll is a weekly fan-made podcast about the Geek & Sundry Dungeons & Dragons show, Critical Role, for critters, by critters. The podcast is hosted by a rotation of regular hosts with recurring guests…
Continue readingThere are many people who talk about the different things that changed their lives and how certain people or actions changed the path they were going down for the better. This is very much like that, this is going to talk mostly about how one group of people, and one…
Continue readingWhy do it with 20 when you can do it with 6? Never again will you hear your friends say, “What dice was that again?” because the Dragon Age tabletop RPG does away with your precious d20. That’s right. No d20 – there’s nothing but d6’s in this game…
Continue readingGrab your ax, armor, and inhaler and let the nerd games begin! The Indoorsmen is a custom 5th edition podcast that has a flair for the ridiculous. They’re not famous, nor are they voice actors; they’re just friends that have been playing D&D for a long time and it really…
Continue readingIn 1987 or 1988, while serving this great country of ours, I was introduced to, what to me was, a little known game. A guy I worked with asked me if I had any plans on one particular Saturday. He told me he and a few other buddies were getting together to play…
Continue readingThe biggest problem with the existing inspiration system, for me at least, is that the reward given isn’t really tied to the action that earned it. Sure, your Ideal may say you prefer to solve problems by talking…
Continue readingI have been tasked with a quest by our benevolent administrators – that quest is to help introduce different tabletop RPGs to the Critters Community. I could think of no better game to start with than Fate Core. Fate Core … Continue reading